The university is a product of society and a part of it is found to work with social, economic, and cultural institutions to meet the needs of society and provide the services it needs so as to contribute to the development process in its various dimensions. This couldn’t be done without its various roles and functions that are no longer confined to the academic framework, but rather began to contribute effectively in the process of construction, development and transfer of societies to the stage of advancement, independence and continuous development.The University plays training roles through its administrative and academic cadres, and works to provide the community with competencies, skills and technical and training expertise.
The Future Outlook
It is to mainly render the visions of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn al-Hussein, especially the seventh royal discussion paper, and its contents of urging support for leadership, creativity and innovation and its reflection on local, national and international realities to reach sustainable development. Hence, the Center for Entrepreunreship, Innovation and Local Community Development was created on June 22, 2022, as a pioneering segement for creative and entrepreneurial projects and business incubators at Tafila Technical University, as well as the nucleus and as a local and regional center for the business incubator system and the Supreme Council for Science and Technology in the south.
The idea was crystallized to reach and move forward in managing, planning and organizing the creative, entrepreneurial and innovative system at the governorate, regional and national levels to reach economic development that meets the needs and requirements of the labor market by creating networking, information, technology transfer, leadership and innovation, and providing business incubators and accelerators to achieve the main goal, which is an innovative, creative university looking to reverse Creative and entrepreneurial ideas for sustainable economic development.