- إعــــــــــــلان تحويل التخصص على الفصل الصيفي 2024/2025 (داخل الجامعة)
- اعلان مهم للطلبة المقبولين الجدد 2025
- اعلان للطلبة الذين تمت الموافقة على تحويل تخصصاتهم على الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2024-2025
- إعلان للراغبين بالالتحاق بالبرنامج الموازي على الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي 2024/2025
- اعلان مهم للطلبة الخريجين
- اعلان عقد الامتحان التكميلي للطلبة المتوقع تخرجهم على نهاية الفصل الاول من العام الجامعي 2024/2025
The Unit of Admission and Registration was established at the beginning of the academic year 2005/2006 and gradually developed in parallel with the development of the faculties and rapid increase of students at the university. The Unit, in coordination with the concerned authorities at the university and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, prepares the admission plan for the academic year and monitors its implementation in terms of admission date, admission percentage, the majors that are open for admission, and the number of students admitted in each major. In addition, it keeps full records of students’ academic progress and documents them using modern methods and techniques.
The Unit of Admission and Registration at TTU is the students’ gateway to the university which oversees educational affairs and provides services supporting the educational process. It considers students as the future of the nation; and its work is not restricted to specific seasons but, rather, it is a continuous and permanent activity. Furthermore, the Unit works hard to faicilitate university life for students as well as faculty members by providing them with computerized services in an efficient and effective manner in cooperation with the Computer and Information Technology Center in order to keep pace with changing technology and student expectations, making university life both manageable and enjoyable.
The Unit assumes its tasks and duties through nine sections. These sections are:
- Admission Section
- Schedule Section.
- Registration of Graduate Studies Section
- Information and Programing Section
- Study Plans Section
- Audit, Documents, and Certificates Section
- Registration of Scientific Colleges Section
- Registration of Social and Humanity Colleges Section
- Diploma Section
Job Description of the Unit and its Sections:
- Admission Section
The tasks of the section involve applying the bases of the unified admission, making sure that all students meet the admission requirements, checking the status of students admitted on a quarterly basis, preparing the annual academic calendar, and receiving major change applications within the announced dates.
- Schedule Section
The section is in charge of coordinating with the unit director in order to provide the unit with the courses offered in each semester by the colleges. Additionally, this section makes the necessary adjustments to the schedule, announces and follows up registration dates, final exams, and counselling programs for the newly-admitted students.
- Registration of Graduate Studies Section
The section completes the graduate programs enrolment procedures, computerizes information and documents, and provides all facilities related to students’ academic journey. Moreover, it registers courses, monitors grades of students and computerizes them in writing, and issues certificates and transcripts for graduate students. The section also facilitates the registration process for graduate students, electronically archives documents after receiving them from the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, and follows up students’ academic records.
- Information and Programing Section
It provides the concerned authorities with statistics and data relating to the academic status of students and follows up reports with the Computer Center via the unit director.
- Study Plans Section
The section undertakes the task of following up and checking study plans, overseeing their compliance with accreditation standards, and releasing them on the Student Portal page.
- Audit, Documents, and Certificates Section
The section checks on the academic record of the students expected to graduate at the beginning of their final semester. In addition, the section reviews students’ records once their results are delivered at the end of the semester. The section also compiles lists of graduating students and keeps a record of their academic status. Finally, the section verifies the authenticity of the certificates and documents upon the request of the agencies concerned, and checks the yearbook rehearsal in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs at the university.
- Registration of Scientific Colleges Section
The section consists of the registrars of the scientific colleges (College of Engineering and College of Science); it undertakes the task of academically following up the affairs of the students of the scientific colleges, overseeing the staff working in registration for these two colleges, and allocating tasks and missions amongst them under the guidance of the unit director. In addition, it monitors the process of entering and computerizing students’ grades, calculates students’ quarterly and cumulative averages, follows up the academic record of students, prepares a list of academically dismissed and warned students, and, ultimately, supervises the process of archiving students’ records.
- Registration of Social and Humanity Colleges Section
The section consists of the registrars of the humanity colleges (Colleges of Educational Sciences, College of Arts, and College of Business); it undertakes the task of academically following up the affairs of the students of the humanity colleges, overseeing the staff working in registration for these three colleges, and allocating tasks and missions amongst them under the guidance of the unit director. In addition, it monitors the process of entering and computerizing students’ grades, calculates students’ quarterly and cumulative averages, follows up the academic record of students, prepares a list of academically dismissed and warned students, and, ultimately, supervises the process of archiving students’ records.
- Diploma Section
The section consists of the registrars of intermediate diploma majors (two years after high school). The section supervises the admission of students of intermediate diploma in accordance with the bases of admission specific to them that are annually adopted for this purpose. It monitors students’ academic journey from the very first day of their registration at the university until their graduation. Lastly, the section issues the certificates and transcripts which qualify them for the medium-degree examination according to the intermediate diploma-specific instructions issued by the Council of Deans of Al-Balqa’ Applied University.