

Prof. Mohammad ShbilatFaculty Dean
Dr. Ghazy Ali AL-BadainehVice Dean
Dr.Amjad Salem Younees AlQwaderHead of Business Economics Department
Dr.Jebreel Mohammad Al-MSiedeenHead of Accounting  Department
Dr.Yazan Al-HaraisaHead of Business Administration  Department
Dr. Bader Mustafa mahmmud Al-Sharifrepresentative of  Business Economics Department
Dr.Khalid Ali Ahmad al-DuneibatRepresentative of Accounting  Department
Prof.Ahmad Nahar Al-RfouRepresentative of Business Administration  Department
Mr.Emad Al-SoudRepresentative of local community/ Income tax department officer- Tafila
Mr. Moath Al-BdourRepresentative of local community/ Housing bank for trade and finance branch manager- Tafila