3 days ago

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    24 September، 2024

    دورة تدريبية في الطفيلة التقنية حول الإسعافات الأولية 

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    Breaking News

    Dean: Prof. Nail Mohammed S.(Sarahin ALhjaya )

    Email: studentaffair@ttu.edu.jo


    Dear students … Welcome to your home “Deanship of Student Affairs”, the warm home for university students from various academic disciplines as it plays a major role in achieving the vision, mission and educational philosophy of the university in which the student is the center of the educational and educational process. In support of the mission and the vision of the University, the Deanship of Student Affairs at Tafila Technical University seeks to develop and improve its performance, in order to reach you and deliver a best service that is effective, efficient, and most importantly. The Deanship of Students Affairs, through a range of programs and services, advocates for student needs and provides coordination, services, and support for co-curricular programs, so as to help cultivate and develop the community, individual growth, leadership, and aims to promote the success and wellness of every TTU student. Daily Life at TTU involves more than merely obtaining a degree. There are many exciting and challenging opportunities, such as community service, extra-curricular activities, and social engagements that promote academic interest. The Deanship of Student Affairs is committed to building a community. We promote a caring and safe community that nurtures our students’ abilities, thereby enabling our students to learn, and make smart choices. We promote inclusiveness, support the growth and success of all students, and seek to enrich the student experience. TTU graduates leave the university equipped with lifelong skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, effective communication, and cooperation.

    Prof. Nail Mohammed S.(Sarahin ALhjaya )

    Dean of Deanship of Student Affairs


    Roadmap to return to higher education institutions -Arabic version
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