Athletic Activities DepartmentStudents Services DepartmentOccupational Training Department/ King Abdullah II Fund for DevelopmentFemale Student Accommodation Department


Implementing the deanship’s mission, which is in direct line with the university’s mission by directing and encouraging university students to actively participate in sporting activities and spreading the spirit of fair competition, tolerance and acceptance.


Creating an appropriate attractive environment that embraces creativity and distinction to establish and supervise sports activities of all kinds by equipping halls and various sports facilities, training cadres and striving to attract the largest number of university students to practice sports activities.

Goals and Objectives

  • Holding fun sports competitions, and the participation of all segments of the university, students, employees, and Professors.
  • Serving the local community with all its official and private institutions in making the various sports programs successful.
  • The development and refinement of the university student’s personality in all its psychological and mental aspects.
  • Reviving national and religious events by holding seminars and various sporting tournaments commensurate with their importance and majesty.
  • Paying attention to the specialized training staff to raise the technical level of the players of the different university sports teams that represent the university in the official sports participation in order to achieve the championships organized and supervised by the Sports Federation of Jordanian Universities and University Colleges.
  • Spreading sports awareness and expanding the base of students who engage in various sports activities.


Director of the Athletic Activities Department.

Training Division.

Administration and Organization Division.

Division of halls and stadiums.


Implementing the deanship’s mission, which is in direct line with the university’s mission by directing and encouraging university students to actively participate in sporting activities and spreading the spirit of fair competition, tolerance and acceptance.


Creating an appropriate attractive environment that embraces creativity and distinction to establish and supervise sports activities of all kinds by equipping halls and various sports facilities, training cadres and striving to attract the largest number of university students to practice sports activities.

Goals and Objectives

  • Holding fun sports competitions, and the participation of all segments of the university, students, employees, and Professors.
  • Serving the local community with all its official and private institutions in making the various sports programs successful.
  • The development and refinement of the university student’s personality in all its psychological and mental aspects.
  • Reviving national and religious events by holding seminars and various sporting tournaments commensurate with their importance and majesty.
  • Paying attention to the specialized training staff to raise the technical level of the players of the different university sports teams that represent the university in the official sports participation in order to achieve the championships organized and supervised by the Sports Federation of Jordanian Universities and University Colleges.
  • Spreading sports awareness and expanding the base of students who engage in various sports activities.


  • Director of the Athletic Activities Department.
  • Training Division.
  • Administration and Organization Division.
  • Division of halls and stadiums.
  • Students Services Department

Implementing the Deanship’s mission, which is in direct line with the university’s mission by providing optimal student service in all its health, material, social and psychological counseling forms.

In addition to holding a reception for new students, providing counseling services to the student throughout his studies, and overcoming any obstacles and problems that he may face.


Creating an attractive and suitable environment incubating for university students through the efficiency and quality of the multiple student services provided by the department to university students, and the constant pursuit of being near the student inside and outside the campus.



  • Director of the Students Services Department
  • Computing and Student Record Division.
  • Grants and Loans Division.
  • International Students Division.


Implementing the Deanship’s mission, which is in direct line with the university’s mission that our students are armed with the skills necessary to succeed in the labor market, are able to invest and lead, and to be active citizens in their society.

Working on training and qualifying university students by providing them with personal skills to achieve development goals and encourage creativity and excellence through cooperation with private and public civil society institutions to reach the optimal investment to build the basic homeland, which increases their job opportunities and enhances opportunities for university graduates and facilitates the path to a successful career in the labor market in response, Due to the desire and directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II to establish career guidance offices in Jordanian universities, This department was created to fulfill this royal desire in the Deanship of Student Affairs.

Goals and Objectives

• Offering a number of advice and counseling services to achieve harmonization between the educational system outputs and labor market inputs.
• Matching the different skills in which students are trained with the real needs of the job market locally.
• Contributing to helping students gain experience and engage in the necessary training to enter the labor market after graduation or to obtain a temporary operational opportunity during the university study stage through formal and private community participation.
• Opening channels of communication between the student community at the university, the private sector and civil society organizations through employment days to provide opportunities for them to meet with employers during the career days that are organized in different periods of the year on campus.
• Holding many periodic specialized courses and workshops throughout the semester in various fields such as communication skills, communication and leadership, preparing a CV, how to create economic projects, designing electronic pages, computer maintenance, managing small projects, courses in different languages, success skills, how to be a leader, and establishing a company…etc.

• Forming a link between distinguished students at the university and a number of institutions that implement programs that contribute to youth development, on top of which is the King Abdullah II Fund for Development. These institutions provide students with opportunities to participate in distinctive youth activities locally and regionally.
• Adopting and embracing various student initiatives and providing the required logistical support in order to refine the personality of the trainee student.
• Helping students and graduates to define their goals and career directions.
• Active participation in securing university students with training opportunities in companies, banks, hospitals, and leading national public and private institutions.
• Director of Occupational Training Department.
• Occupational Training Division
• Division for Follow-up of Graduates

Female students ’accommodation is one of the main factors that positively affect students’ university life. To achieve this, the university administration has directed, with direct follow-up from the Deanship of Student Affairs, through what the Housing Department does with all its cadres from the Female Student Supervision Department, and the supervisors to provide accommodation and counseling services for female students and those who wish to stay in the dormitory for female students to meet their various needs and requirements.
In addition to providing female students with comfort and reassurance, following up on their affairs inside and outside the dormitories, and creating the appropriate atmosphere to promote them to the highest level in educational and academic achievement, which leads the housing administration to excel in the services and care provided to them and in particular to provide a family environment for students and contribute to the formation Their personality and care from the psychological and social aspects, to be able to assume responsibility and engage in both university life and the job market.
One of the most important things that the Deanship seeks to provide in the female students ’residence is to focus on providing family atmosphere, especially by keeping them away from their families and achieving familiarity among students, which is translated in the field by holding periodic meetings to highlight the problems facing students and find solutions to them, in addition to organizing seminars and introductory lectures to discuss social and health issues, holding special group breakfasts in the month of Ramadan, as well as organizing various recreational trips and extracurricular social visits, and participating in a number of student activities through student clubs and various technical and sports teams. Among the most important services provided by the university in the internal housing is the provision of high-speed Internet service and security follow-up by university security supervisors all time of day. In addition, Female students ’accommodation include multiple cameras covering the area surrounding the residence, automatic laundry service, in addition to the provision of central heating facilities in the students’ rooms and in the reading and television halls. The accommodation fee is modest, appropriate, and each semester is paid for student participation in housing that is available to all students of all social classes.

• Director of Female Student Accommodation.
• Supervision on Female Students Division.
• Follow-up Division.

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